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Why shall we remove Włocławek dam in Poland?

Wolne Rzeki

Włocławek dam is the first obstacle for fish migrating into the Vistula river basin which was historically the most important river basin for trout, salmon and eel in Baltic Sea basin. After 50 years of generating many problems and costs it should be removed and the river should run free and wild.

Unfortunately, Polish government wants to build a new dam, below Włocławek dam, to protect the old one. Chance for migratory fish return to Wisła and its tributaries would be almost zero then.

In the video Piotr Bednarek, CEO of Wolne Rzeki NGO and PhD student at Hydrology Department of Jagiellonian University explains why we should remove Włocławek dam and not build an other one.

posted by lemurjev87