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Woodturning - An Extraordinary Item- You Wont Believe Your Eyes!

Nick Zammeti Makes

In this woodturning video, I woodturn an extraordinary item... you wont believe your eyes! I mix in some resin to this and the tinsel reacts in such a crazy way I've never seen before! its mesmerising to watch.

Woodturning An Extraordinary Item You Wont Believe Your Eyes!

I hope you enjoy this one and if you felt this was an entertaining video . please like and subscribe to this channel. Thank you

#tinsel #asmr #lighthouse

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Nick Zammeti (Main Channel) :    / @nickzammeti  
HowTo :

Please note that my channel is for entertainment purposes only. You should NOT rely solely upon the information and techniques shown in this channel. I'm not a professional woodturner and working with machinery can be dangerous. It is recommended that you fully research each technique and decide for yourself what the safest possible work method is for you.

#woodturningprojects #woodturning

posted by joseberna1q