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Yang Taichi Fan 28 Form (Step 1-7)


Demo is on highstance for seniors and those dealing with minor Arthritis, back or knee problems.
Review: 6. Fish Swimming 魚貫而入
Preview: 7. Immortal Points the Way 仙人指路
Yang TaiChi Fan 28 Form
Commencing Form啟勢
1. Blue Dragon Emerges from the Water 青龍出水
2. Embrace the Moon 懷中抱月
3. Bird Returns to the Forest 宿鳥投林
4. Wind Swings the Willow 隨風擺柳
5. Flower Rises from the Water 芙蓉出水
6. Fish Swimming 魚貫而入
7. Immortal Points the Way 仙人指路

Demo by Peggy Sun, 08/18/2024
Kailua, Hawaii, USA

posted by wampertl1