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Zwrot inwestycji 0 lat to ty zdecydujesz o swoich potrzebach. 900w 400w 200w twoj wybor. Off grid

John Wood a free man

Zwrot inwestcji 0 lat to ty decydyjesz o swoich potrzebach. 900w , 400w 200w twoj wybor. Off grid .Tak jak w tytule . To ty decydujesz co potrzebujesz,jakie masz warunki,jak mieszkasz,jaki wiatr.Ja chcialbym dac ci wybor. Masz mozliwosc wybrania opcji jakiej chcesz. Czy musi byc moj Lg silnik ? NIe ,Absolutnie nie. Ale zobacz jakie masz wybory. Walic korporcje,i jedyny kierunek myslenia. Jestes madry i sam zdecyduj za siebie. Sam pomysl . 1 mala ,2/3 male 300w=0,9 kw A moze 2 ?a moze jedna turbina. Pionowa ma ta zalete ze jest tania,mala i cicha. Poziome glosne i drogie. I prosze o dwie rzeczy,mysl o swojej kieszeni nie o cudzej i pomysl czy dac mi suba ,lapke ,komentaz . Pozdrawiam

Return on investment 0 years, you decide about your needs. 900w, 400w, 200w, your choice. Off the grid. As in the title. You decide what you need, what conditions you have, how you live, what wind. I would like to give you a choice. You have the opportunity to choose the option you want. Does it have to be my LG engine? No, absolutely not. But see what choices you have. Fuck corporations and the only direction of thinking. You are smart and you decide for yourself. Think for yourself. 1 small, 2/3 small 300w = 0.9 kW Or maybe 2? Or maybe one turbine. Vertical has the advantage of being cheap, small and quiet. Horizontal loud and expensive. And I ask for two things, think about your pocket, not someone else's and consider whether to give me a sub, like, comment. Best regards

posted by erstenmal01